Eufy S350 Indoor Cam review: Cute robot design, solid image quality

The Eufy S350 indoor cam may look like a character from Wall-E, but our review finds a solid indoor security camera with intelligent features.

Eufy S350 Indoor Cam review: Cute robot design, solid image quality

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  • Design: 9.5/10
  • Performance: 9/10
  • Overall: 9.3/10


  • Great image quality from dual lenses
  • On-device storage
  • 360 degree coverage
  • Privacy mode is useful


  • Certain functions hard to find in app
  • Images can be grainy at a distance
  • No Apple HomeKit integration

You would be forgiven for thinking at first glance that the Eufy S350 indoor security camera was a toy robot. 

The combination of a 4K wide-angle lens and a 2K telephoto lens makes the camera resemble the lovechild of Wall-E and his friend Eve – if robot reproduction worked that way.

It’s cute, and makes the camera a little more friendly having it installed in the home.

But the real selling point here is the “AI-powered” tracking, intelligent software and full 360 degree coverage. It’s not cheap, but if you want an indoor security camera, the S350 does an impressive job.