So you want to buy a flip phone. Let's look at your two best options

The universe aligned to let me test the Moto RAZR 50 Ultra and the Galaxy Z Flip6 side by side. Here are my thoughts

So you want to buy a flip phone. Let's look at your two best options

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Flip phones are probably the most interesting types of smartphones on the market right now. Traditional smartphones look remarkably similar — if not a little bigger — than that first generation of iPhone Steve Jobs unveiled back in 2007.

Of course, when you consider that before the iPhone, the hottest mobile phone was the flippable Moto RAZR, then the issue of interesting design becomes a little more convoluted.

Let’s just agree that most phones are pretty boring to look at, but at least you can do occupy your hands with a flip phone.

As luck would have it, both Motorola and Samsung sent me their new flip phones recently, and I was able to test them side by side. I have full reviews for both the Galaxy Z Flip6 and the RAZR 50 Ultra, but if you’re debating which one to get, here are some of the key things I noticed while reviewing them.