Looks like we might be seeing the PS5 Pro announced tonight

Livestreamed on the PlayStation YouTube channel at 1am AEST, if you're awake.

Looks like we might be seeing the PS5 Pro announced tonight

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I can't do back to back late night launches anymore, I'm too old. If I was younger, I might try and stay up for the PlayStation technical presentation being livestreamed on the PlayStation YouTube channel at 1am on 11 September AEST.

But I'm not, and I spent all my energy liveblogging the Apple event this morning.

The session description promises to focus on "PS5 and innovations in gaming technology", which sounds a lot like a Pro-grade hardware update.

The stream is only meant to last for 9 minutes, so don't expect heaps of gameplay reveals. Actually, I wouldn't expect too much detail on anything in 9 minutes...

There are a bunch of reasons to expect this to be the PS5 Pro, not least of which are the myriad of leaks outline the console's expected launch in September.

I'll see what we actually have when it's officially announced and cover it tomorrow, if you – like me – will be asleep when this happens.

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